Jen Bunney Plastic Surgery

Jen Bunney Liposuction Fat

Who Is Jen Bunney?

Some people said that Jen Bunney having plastic surgery after she left the Hills. But some also said that she already had plastic surgery when she was starring in the Hills program. And just like her best friend, Heidi Montag, the actress is also rumored having numerous plastic surgery procedure done. But the most obvious one must be the liposuction and the nose job done.


Jen Bunner plastic surgery for liposuction rumored was performed in waist, hips and inner and outer thighs. That why today her body looks firmer, slimmer and thinner than before. She is looking good with the liposuction though many has been bullied her recently. Some also said that beside liposuction, she got work out almost everyday. Her diet is also quite strict too. That why her body looks slimmer and thinner as you can see today.

Jen Bunney Liposuction Fat

Jen Bunney Liposuction Fat

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Nose job

The nose job surgery probably the most obvious and can be seen clearly from her appearance. Many people said that the actress has been numerous procedures for the nose job done. It because her nose looks changed for several time. But among above all, her bulbous nose that we can see in her debut today looks so pinched and thinner.

Jen Bunney Nose Job Rhinoplasty

Jen Bunney Nose Job Rhinoplasty

Plastic Surgery Overview

Plastic surgery is normal among celebrities in Hollywood. Breast implants and rhinoplasties are nothing new there. Check out the table below to see Jen Bunney's plastic surgery history.

Jen Bunney - Plastic Surgery Statistics
Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)N/A
Breast AugmentationN/A
Breast ReductionN/A
Butt ImplantsN/A
Butt LiftN/A
Eyelid SurgeryN/A